I’m familiar with some of the patterns in the instructional vids he did, but honestly those sound more like exercises (which they were). In playing he seems to mix them up so well that they’re essentially “one shot” patterns, with maybe repeats using passing notes or skipping notes? Hard to describe.
This is my fingering on a Roy Marchbank transcription; if I recall correctly, there were some one note per string shifts that just seemed too hard for me, so I redid it to minimize them as much as possible (I can only see 4 in the one I made). J Bakerman also posted a transcription, which I’m sure is the most accurate:

I’m not sure! This version isn’t the same as the album as I recall.
Honestly if this was improvised, that’s insane. I feel like improvisationally, patterns are the “cheat” to play fast lines. If he just came up with this on the spot, I would say that’s some next level stuff (which it is, being Shawn Lane).
I remember reading somewhere the same thing, that he was supposedly better on piano than on guitar. I wouldn’t be surprised if he either wrote things on the piano for guitar, or if he just “heard” music in his mind through a piano lens, which he then played on guitar.
This is definitely cool, but no way in hell could I transcribe this lmao.
Another thought came to mind, which is maybe he just knew / was more comfortable with way more patterns than the average pro. Obviously not a knock on any of the following, but Petrucci, Gilbert, Malmsteen… they have patterns that they will likely play once per solo if there’s a “fast” line, and the probability of them playing it is almost 100% in an improv environment.
I would have to play around with some patterns from the instructional vids again, but I thought he was mixed escape. Or maybe I was playing some of them with a mixed escape?