In my TC a couple of weeks back, I was told to get to a cruising speed at a certain tempo in order to know if the motion is real or not. I’ve hit that tempo (yay me!!) and I guess that means the motion is real… It certainly feels real but I don’t know if I’d say it’s “cruising” yet. In the week or so since, I’ve been practicing at only that speed, with the occasional drop if it’s not going well. I spend more time playing and doodling, but when I set a time to practice, I try to actually practice.
The thing is that I have to really focus up to keep it going for long periods of time. I can do short bursts just fine, but keeping it going doesn’t seem to be doing anything but keeping it going. There are the occasional times where it’s easier than other times, but I haven’t noticed much of an increase in stamina or more frequent ease. I took a day off from practicing on Sunday and when I practiced last night, hitting that speed at all was tough, even just doing a steady 16th tremolo. Tonight is better but not better overall.
So, should I keep going at this speed until it’s easy? Or should I slow it down and keep it going for longer? Or, and this would suck… Does it mean that the speed I am supposed to be “cruising” isn’t actually the speed I should be? Speaking of that, why that particular tempo? Anyways…
I start with a tremolo on each string for 20+ seconds, usually longer on the lower 2 since they’re more difficult. Then I go to the YJM6’s and some whatever fingerings on one string. These all feel mostly fine. I don’t have to look at my hand, but I do tap the hell out of my foot to make sure I don’t slip.
But then I start traveling. And this is where I wonder about the speed thing. I have to stare at my hand and basically will it to maintain the same motion and and not start hopping, even though it’s a very tiny hop. YJM12’s are good. The YJM6’s, a little less so. Petrucci’s chromatic thing is about the same. Let’s not even talk about 2nps. That shit’s a long ways off, lol. But even backing off about 10-15bpm, everything seems far easier than that small drop seems. Like it’s the difference between working hard to do it and doing it in my sleep. Should that be my actual “cruising” speed?
And what about when it’s time to go faster? Right now, going faster seems like a terrible idea and I doubt I could even do it. But how do I know when it’s time? And how much faster should I go? I’ve never really been a metronome guy aside from testing myself. I just played riffs and licks until they eventually got up to speed. But I’m not young anymore and trying to get licks faster that way I doubt will work.