Solving 3nps Fours with One-Way Pickslanting

This is a really good point and one that I know that I have to keep reminding myself of. I am on a 2WPS mission as I have always wanted to have that uniform machine-gun picking to rip up a scale. However, you only have to listen to the like a of Yngwie, EJ etc to get reminders of how fluid and beautiful lines can be. 1WPS is not limited - it has a few constraints as part of it that drives creation and sonic dynamism! I know I will struggle more with DWPS that utilise the ‘escape hatch’ pull offs, slides and sweeping tools - to me its a lot harder and will take more time to ‘bed in’.
Hence, why I hope crosspicking will come to the rescue to ensure that I can play more interesting lines than just scales!


I think up to now, I have in fact had the “limiting” mindset. This morning I rewatched to segment with Strunz and Farrah. Initially I kind of skipped over those examples because there is a lot of chromatic movement and I felt like those weren’t the best ways to apply something musical to a solo etc. Strangely enough I can usually play through chromatic lines relatively easily. It’s the larger stretches in the diatonic shapes that give me problems. …what I need to do is work on applying those patterns to diatonic shapes…I think doing that will yield some very usable figures.

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I Here is the all alternate version @Troy asked about.
My first attempt at a slo-mo video.
Hopefully it’s not too dark…


This is great. Not entirely clear from this camera angle whether or not there is swiping, but if it sounds good it is good. Since it appears to be working I wouldn’t worry further about mechanical details unless you start hearing swiping noise you don’t want to hear.

Instead I’d just run through all the common 2nps and 3nps fingerings with this, starting on both upstrokes and downstrokes, and see if there is any particular subset of them that feels weird or you can’t figure out how to navigate by feel.

Nice work!


2 posts were split to a new topic: Avoiding Downstrokes

Sorry trying to get use to the site.

Awesome! Thanks. I’ll start working on all the possibilities.
I think I start to get some swiping happening once I try to lay faster than I’m capable of. I’m thinking the key right now is to play comfortably and cleanly at a fast but manageable speed. Once I’ve got these motions perfected (or as close to perfection) then I can worry about speed. The speed im playing in this video is fairly quick anyway.

I see what you mean and I often think like this, but be careful because it can be a limiting mindset. It may still be useful sometimes to just try to see what happens if you go as fast as you can (or to your target tempo).

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Funny you should say that. Just this morning I was watching the MAB interview and there was a section where he was talking about playing slow to play fast. At the end he also said something about just going for it…play as fast as you can. Just because.
But when I said I wanted to perfect the motions, I meant at the speed in my above video. I didn’t want to try to go too slow where thenpocking motion changes or too fast to where it’s pure slop.

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Yeah I also spend most of my time practicing at “medium” speeds (where I can’t do hopping but I don’t get exhausted), to clean up the technique. But then I also noticed that speed does not improve if it is not trained specifically. I don’t know what the right proportion is, for this week I may try something like 75% of the time at medium speed, 25% at “high” speed (where I can just about play the thing).

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nice brother very clean .

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