Some sweeping exercises

Hi guys! I’ve been struggling with sweeping for a long time. Or should I say, problem is incorporarting sweeping in my picking since pure sweeping (arpeggios) is not as hard for me. It’s that combination of alternate picking and sweeping that makes me crazy. Like breaking some internal rhythm.

As you may know I don’t like unmusical practice so I wrote some exercises that have at least something similar to music )

First is bluesy/rock-n-rollish stuff. Basically you play 3 notes on one string then one note on next string. It’s like an intro to sweeping techinque. The only problem with this exercise - it’s hard to stop yourself noodling over this stuff )

1 Sweep Intro v2.gpx (29.6 KB)

Second - minor runs. You play 3 notes on one string then 2 notes on next string.

2 Sweep sweep v2.gpx (28.2 KB)

Third and fourth are basically the same, you just play a bit more notes.
3 Sweep more.gpx (22.9 KB)
4 Sweep even more.gpx (23.2 KB)

Fifth - blues pentatonic ascending runs. The funniest part is that run in next to last bar )
5 Pentasweep.gpx (25.7 KB)