I do like to sometimes put them on, especially while working out in the gym.
OK, some progress report is in order.
I’ve had some trouble moving acrross strings (more on that in next vid) so employed some basic exercise:
some takeaways:
- I seem to have issues following strict alternative pattern - sometimes I will loose track of which finger was last and do double stroke with same finger (mostly index)
- notice how I struggle with position of my fingers, especially on upper strings - I’ve heard people repeteadly say to pluck through the string, going up my hand gets such an angle it is more like fingerstyle in guitar plucking up and away from the guitar
- in this pattern it’s annoyingly difficult for me to reach that last one last note right before you move to the next string completely:

I am supposed to hit it with middle finger.
I started doing these exercises because I became painfully aware of certain, slightly different issue:
It is still a matter of going accross the strings:
I finally figured that this last fill I need to do IMI-MIM so that I can start the next bar with index again, but it is painfully difficult for me to coordinate the fingers to do what I need them to do. Notice how in the second repetition here I did slide from 5th to 4th fret instead of plucking everything.
And yeah, that probably is a habit from guitar - it’s much easier to pluck with the pick, but I’d also do a little slide for economy of movement, it would not be noticeable because I’d also pluck it, but on bass it’s much harder to do it on time and in correct order lol.
Anyway, I still see a decent improvement since Monday when I got the bass - if not for above gimmicks I’d be able to keep up with the tempo of the song without much drama.
Oh, hold on, there’s another thing:
Bar 36 - apart from the usual “string skipping” - the fingers get messed up again, bar 40 - same fingering, mind you - is much easier. Why? Because every note is double stroked (yeah I am NOT playing the 32nds, no way) meaning each note on each string starts the same - with index, unless I get them mixed up again lol.