Speed burst ideas seeing what I can do to improve

Im more of a blues, jazz and rock guy but I like working on speed sometimes too, although I’m more a mid tempo player in general just seeing what u think. This one’s from awhile back but it was after reviewing alot on the site here. I’m back at it now, sorry for low quality back then just a phone. I’m up for trying whatever changes wise to technique. Thanks for checking it out J

Great playing!

As a general comment, questions about “bursting” come up every so often. The main problem is that it’s not clear if players are trying to make their hands move faster, or whether they can already move fast, just with mistakes.

In your case, you look like you have plenty of actual joint speed with your current technique, so I wouldn’t worry about trying to improve that through bursting — I don’t think that will do anything.

This is an oversimplification, but raw joint speed is generally determined by the technique you use, not your training like at the gym. If you want more speed, use a different technique or do the technique with slightly different form.

Mistakes when going fast is a totally different question. Those can be the result of many factors, and the only way to know is to film yourself in slow motion, close up.

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Hi Troy,

Thanks so much for answering here, yeah I’m kinda reassesing things for myself. I tend to shed alot and just improvise in the moment. This isn’t super fast but it’s kinda more phrased w some faster ideas, at least for me :laughing: I tend towards slower ish playing, when u get a minute just curious what you think, appreciate you and all your work here! Eventually I’d like to get a magnet once I get some $ saved up I could probably get alot of that.

Sounds good!

In general, we try to adopt a problem solving type of approach. If there is something specific that is not working the way you want, and it involves technique, then we can probably figure out some way to fix it. If not, that’s fine too — if it sounds good, then it is good.


Total anecdotal evidence here, but I felt like once I had found my technique that bursting did in fact help with improving my endurance (as in ability to repeat and chain fragments) and hand sync at faster speeds, and I noticed a “trickle down” effect to slower speeds. It also helped me with reducing background tension.

I’ll stress though that I do believe you need to practice bursting exactly how Martin Miller describes in this YouTube video that people have shared a zillion times here, I’m sure:

Where he just says you need to push you speed right to the edge. I didn’t really start seeing as much benefit until I did this. Like I had to almost surprise myself with how high the metronome was going. Not like an extra 10 bpm faster than I thought I was able to go, but like 30-40 BPM faster (depending on the subdivision).