String Skipping, 3 String licks and other Happy accidents

In hindsight working on string skipping and 3 string licks necessitated two way pick slanting, and accidentally improved my alternate picking.

Here are 2 exercises to practice.


I definitely do that last one, posted a video of me playing it under the “technique critique” sub-forum. I don’t do the first exercise, but I did post a video of “universal mind” that’s string skipping.

I haven’t heard back from anyone on those vids, so I’m not sure if I “two way pick slant”. It looks like I might?

It’s impossible to play those exercises cleanly without using 2-way picking slanting, working on them accidentally developed my 2-way pick slanting technique before I knew that was a thing.

String Skipping is impossible unless you have “escaped” the string, you need tiny motions if you want to speed up string skipping.

@snake, since you seem to know what 2wps looks like, can you tell me if I’m doing it?

You’re using 2 way pick slanting but it’s a bit sloppy, you can keep your “top down” approach; play as fast as you can without worrying about it being clean, you should try to go even faster, faster than you think is possible.

You should incorporate a “bottom up” also, play slowly with a metronome focusing on 100% accuracy, keep a record of the speed.

When you play slowly you can focus on the DSX and USX part, I would recommend notating your exercises in Guitar Pro marking the notes where the DSX and USX occur so you can sight read the exercise and exaggerated the DSX and USX in the beginning until they feel natural.

You will find the “top down” and “bottom up” approaches will meet somewhere in the middle and you will have a very fast and clean technique.

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I think I’ve mostly ever done “top down”, and based on Troy’s (and your) recommendation I’m going to also do more “bottom up”. The guitar pro idea is also good, I’ll try to implement that as well. I’ll have to see if there’s a free version of that, or power tab!

Soundslice is free you can use that.


Soundslice is awesome. Great practicing tool as well