Stuck - Need some advices

Hello everybody,

I consider myself a beginner and I feel stuck and unconfident. While the first lockdown, I bought “Speed kills” and grab a one-month membership here. I’ve learnt a lot from those two ressources.

Im left-handed and I forced myself to use right-handed guitar. I was complexed by my right hand until I discover Batio was left-handed too ! Well, enough excuses…!

There’s a lot of mistakes in the video below, but this is the best I can do so far. I was wondering if you could give some advices and some perspectives. I know you made of picking a science, but even after watching some of the videos here, I can’t understand which kind a picker I am…

Thanks for your feedback and your kindness :wink:

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Hey @koumkoun welcome!

Excellent idea to start with a fast tremolo, that’s what we like to see :slight_smile:

While it is true that you are not always hitting the strings consistently, this is a good starting point! You are getting some good speed, and you can now work on getting the timing and attack a bit more consistent. To do so, you can drop the speed just a little, and see if you find a better degree of control. But’ don’t go too slowly! You want the movement to look essentially the same. Use a mirror to check if need be!

Also, my first impression is that you pick with elbow motion. This generates a downstroke escape (DSX) - i.e. the pick motion is optimised for changing strings after a downstroke.

However, I think you are playing licks that change strings after upstrokes! This may be why your picking hand is getting a bit “stuck” and “confused” around string changes.

LEt me know if that makes sense :slight_smile:

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Awesome ! It absolutely makes sense and opens wide huge possibilities. I’ll work on everything you mentioned and post my progress.

Is that ‘‘elbow motion’’ a bad habit I should correct ? Or is this something natural for me against which I shouldn’t fight ? Last, have you in mind some famous players who mostly use this elbow motion so I can check out their vids and find inspiration ?

Thanks again for your expertise :pray:

Not at all, unless you feel pain or discomfort when you do it.

Many great players using including our forum friend @Bill_hall use elbow picking :slight_smile:

And of course the great Vinnie Moore:


Thanks again :wink: You’ve just offered me more than I could expect !