So this isn’t so much a problem for me as a quirk I thought I should point out:
In my “credits” section, I have some subscriber links that seem to correspond to material I already have (though the subscriber link offers me the $0 link without telling me “you’ve already bought this”). For example, I already have “Li-sa-X + Science of Prodigy” in my Gumroad library, but my credits have an unused link for “Ellen Winner Interview”. I’m going through the links now and adding them, just to be a pathological completionist, but I thought I should bring it to your attention in case this isn’t “the system working as intended.” Or maybe you’ve “repackaged” some of these things in the time since they were originally released through Gumroad?
Edit: So I cleaned out my “Credits” section, and one piece of good news: a couple of items that were listed in Credits twice (both from MiM subscription and from inclusion in a Bundle I had credit for) disappeared (as expected) from the credits page when one of the subscriber links was added to my Gumroad library (and the product now appears in the “Downloads” section of the store account.
Edit 2: When I click through my Gumroad receipt for “Li-Sa-X Interview: The Science of Prodigy”, it takes me through to a Gumroad receipt page dated from August 2016 when I first added it, but the description now is the updated description with references to the “Cracking the Code platform”, and the Gumroad “View Product” button includes only the Li-Sa-X interview and analysis entries, not the Ellen Winner entry (which I had been surprised to see I had a separate credit for, and which I am able to access on Gumroad through the new “Ellen Winner Interview”). And I see the Gumroad receipt for the “Science of Practice” product now has a description that points out to the now separated Kageyama and Mazzoni interviews. So I guess I’ve answered my own question, and these things aren’t surprises to the CTC team.