Suggestion for a sweeping dvd

I want to learn to sweep do you have Any dvd suggestions ?

Jason Richardson has a lesson for 6 dollars or so that will sort you out if you have the willpower for it.

You’re Masters in Mechanics Member. Have you seen the Frank Gambale interview and breakdown Troy did that follows it?

Grab something like Batio’s Speed Kills 1991 or any of the revised versions. You’ll get a bunch of other stuff too if you’re looking for alternate picking and legato ideas.

I love guitar-hero DVDs but what about also looking at songs you like that contains sweeping? That will give you an idea of how sweeping can connect with other techniques in a musical way.

Of course I wouldn’t pick something super-advanced, has to be “within reach” (Marty Friedman quote :slight_smile: )

EDIT: this one is quite nice - I hope I’m not doing anything illegal by posting it

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Unironically how I first learned to sweep.

For a deeper study any of Luca’s lessons, there is a free premier if you just sign up your email.

The most important thing I want to stress is to learn the theory behind the shapes so you can play progressions with them not just technical wank. Practice writing the chord and tonality (major, minor, diminished, etc.) on any tab involving the shapes. And slow slow slow, practice with the tone you want to play with and get it clean.

The two L. Herman books are very invaluable
" Advanced Guitar Diatonic Exercises To Build Speed and Technique for the Shred Metal Guitarist"

“Advanced Guitar Theory and Technique Applied to the Metal and Shred Genres”

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