Sweep Help Please

I think one reason this is awkward for you is because groupings of 5 like that can be. It can create a conundrum as well depending on how you pick because you end the phrase on an upstroke, so if you slant with the direction of the sweep you have to keep it in mind that you have to flip directions with a wrist flick to start the pattern on a down again. The other solution is you carry on with an upstroke at the beginning of the phrase and then switch to down right after. Each work.

As an aside you can change this phrase to a grouping of 6 by doubling the last two notes like this. This grouping tends to be a bit easier for people.

You can play it with a hammer on pull off combo like this, which is likely how most people will do it

Or what I personally like to do and add a stroke:


In they gypsy realm, and probably other realms of music it really just depends on the players in general I think some players will only use ring during diminished and some will use pinky. There was a video of Christiaan van Hemert discussing this if I ever come across it I will edit the post, and link it here.

Link to a sweep etude I posted today:

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