Technical difficulties solo

Does anyone know how Paul plays the first lick of the technical difficulties solo on the record? Is it pentatonic all picked?

I personally play it like this:

That sounds like what he plays on the record to me. This way also works great for single escape playing because you can just change the first note to be an upstroke if you want to play with DSX instead of USX like I have on the tab.

I always thought it was 3nps pentatonics a la Colorado Bulldog… 3 notes picked and 3 notes legato (or the other way round)

Sane notes as above though

Yeah I think it mostly comes down to personal preference or what you think sounds better. Both are pretty much the same notes so it just depends on how you wanna play them.

Thanks! That is what I am playing as well but struggling to get it smooth up to speed consistently. I think it may be a left hand issue because as you said the picking shouldn’t be bad. Probably just so used to 3nps stuff that it’s tripping me up.