Technique critique - Shiva

Hi, I am new to this forum.
I am a two way pickslanter and primarily a upward pickslanter ,just like Paul and Vinnie.
But I face difficulty accenting and increasing speed when playing pentatonic ,chromatic scale, alternate picking on a single string or any even number of notes starting with an upstroke.
Is it worth practicing these things starting on an upstroke or, should I switch back playing starting on a downstroke

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Hey, welcome to the forum! I moved this to a new topic :slight_smile:

I think it’s probably worth practicing both ways and experimenting a bit more to see how they feel. Usually there’s no one “right answer” and it depends on many factors.

Could you post some further detail and a video of your playing with examples of what you’re finding most challenging? That will give us more to work with in providing feedback!

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Yeah, like Brendan said, let’s get some video.

I’m always curious about naturally upward oriented players in a downward world. If I was an upward player I don’t quite know if I would work around it, change it, or go all in and retool my playing to suit it the way EJ or YJM have for downward.