Hello everyone! I have been learning different techniques from this site for about a month now. This site is so easy to use and allows you to learn techniques at a slow or accelerated pace. I will be extending my membership from 1 month to one of the other options over the next few days, so hopefully, I can get to know more of you! Big thanks to Troy and everybody at Cracking the Code!
I’m sure I am not the only one who has experienced pain in their hands or wrist from practicing these techniques, or just generally over practicing. It could be tendonitis I suppose. I’m also having pain in a less common spot (for me anyway). When I make a fist with my left hand the tendons just below the pinky finger knuckle start hurt pretty bad. Both of these things are anoying because they get in the way of practicing and force me to take time off.
If anyone has any suggestions on these I’d love to hear them! That way I can continue learn and practice.