These are all from the 12th bar after the thumb-strummed octaves of the Desert Rose solo. The first one is from a version I recently found, the 2nd is from the Ah Via Musicom guitar book, the 3rd is the way I used to play it and the 4th is from the Wolf Marshall “Signature Licks” book.
My first attempt was in the long long ago using #2, which knowing what I know now, was stupid lol #3 is what I did to make it easier to play but I never bothered to get it up to speed because of the whole DSX/USX thing that kept me from trying to learn certain EJ songs to begin with. It was actually this particular line that did it. Coming back and deciding to tackle this damn thing once and for all, I found #1. While it’s certainly easier than #2, it doesn’t start out as nice and smooth, tonally, as #3 does. That’s a very EJ thing to say, but since I don’t have any version up to speed, why not be that picky now, hahaha.
#1 is the only version that has the HOFN (*) Eb in the 2nd beat that I “added” to the version I used to play (I had to re-remember it after practicing #1 for a bit) when I was putting it into SoundSlice. As much as I wanted to do #3, that jump is hard to find and harder to nail. I’ve since realized that that dumb Eb may not even exist… I should slow clips down more often… #2 is still stupid to me, but #4 is pretty interesting. If you HO and PU or slide when needed, it looks like it might be the easiest, at least in the 2nd half.
Anyways, the reason I posted this is because I’m curious what others would prefer. At first glance and at first attempts. I think some of the more seasoned CtC’er might actually be able to nail it on sight, if they don’t know it already. At this point, for #'s 1 and 3, I have the single position chunks almost up to, or at speed (182), but the position jumps in the middle slow me down. I’m not quite sure how to practice that either…