The sweep thread (magnet users please help)

I need some help from all the sweep gods out there.
I have few problems with sweeping.

  1. Where do you position your thumb on the back of the neck? Does this position change depending on what shape you are using?
  2. How exactly does the picking hand palm muting part of sweeping work? I’ve never been able to figure out that part and it’s barred me from even attempting to do five string sweeps at any kind of speed without horrible amounts of string noise and ringing.
  3. How does fretting adjacent strings on the same fret work? I fear I’m going to do serious damage to my index or ring finger when attempting to do this motion on more than one string. I’ve already run into a painful problems on the first joint of my ring finger when doing three consecutive strings.

Red is ring finger, green is index, and blue is middle finger, although it could be ring.

If anyone with a magnet can do some Becker, Turilli, Romeo, etc. style sweeps can you upload some slo mo video of both the fretting hand and the picking hand?


Watch this video. Its how I first learned to sweep.


Dude. I bought that on VHS 20 years ago and I still thing it’s the best sweeppicking instructional.

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Haven’t seen that one before. And a Russ Parrish shoutout at 18:10!


I need a several hour Satchel instructional video to be a thing. He’s hilarious.


Hey man… I found this video which Petrucci explains the technique for the picking hand sweeping “dragging” through the strings seem really helpful ( at least it was to me) I hope it helps you too! Check this out!