I’ve spent months going over the seminars, getting my core techniques down, focusing on my pick slants, my wrist motion and eliminating string hopping. Basically unlearning all the bad habits that I’ve picked up over the years and I definitely feel like I’m making progress.
As I play along with the examples, get them down in muscle memory and then start to build up speed, I reach a wall and that wall is in the same spot in almost every example. The speed wall that I slam head first into is at 80%. Anything beyond that, I’ve been calling The Sorcery.
Does anyone else feel this barrier? I KNOW it can be destroyed, I KNOW The Sorcery can be learned but I’ve been stuck here for months. Guitar playing plateaus are a terrible place to be. Have I reached the limits of my capabilities? Or am I still missing something? Anything I play towards the level of Sorcery just sounds sloppy.