Thumbnail and attack smoothness

Since the pick more or less mirrors the thumbnail with whatever grip you take, not sure how attack smoothness is achieved (no garage spikes) for more pronated or supinated set ups. As it seems USX has much more supination than and DSX has pronation, I’m interested in the USX side of things.

The three finger grip gets the thumbnail off the deviation axis but for index/thumb grips seems like a little forearm rotation is the only option to smooth out the upstroke. Not sure.


Replying to my own post!

Just some food for thought.

I think some people that have had problems with the upstroke catching in a supinated RDT/deviation USX set up is they supinate beyond the opposition range of their thumb and try to make a linear wrist motion. The trailing edge grip allows more supination as pick slant can be altered via rotation of the point of the pick but for the standard grip I think the above is true.

I don’t understand your question—can you rephrase it?

Just wondering about how you avoid garage spikes on more supinated set ups.

I was also waxing poetic about the relationship of the thumbnail to the pick and how the range of motion of the opposition movement of the thumb relates to how much you can supinate. Seems like with a standard grip you have to add forearm to really supinated set ups.

This stems from the fact that I was really supinated for a while and couldn’t figure out how to change my grip to work with the fast wrist motion I had.

People I’ve seen who are really supinated (Joshco, Morse) seem to have some positive pick point.

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What is a garage spike?

Perhaps you should upload some photos?