Hey All, I’ve been playing for 25+ years and while my rhythm playing and feel has never been an issue my leads have always been meh. Like I’d hide behind vibrato to make up for speed. Always felt like I’d hit a certain tempo like 135 bpm and would get stuck. Well I finished most of the primer and jumped ahead to the first Eric Johnson chapter in DWPS just to get an idea of what else the subscription held in store. Got through the first chapter to practice the 5 note string hopping exercise and after a day I’m topping out playing 16ths at 160 bpm. Holy s**t! HUGE jump!
I only took lessons briefly as a teen but the only talk about pick mechanics were alternate picking and “Don’t anchor with your pinky!” but thats just what felt most natural to me. After all there a ton of guys I looked up to who did.
I’m definitely going back to finish the forearm mechanics portion I missed (I watched everything else though) .
Goals are to master Eruption, Cliffs of Dover and (don’t laugh) but Nuno’s opening solo to Mutha Don’t Want to Go to School Today.
And here I thought some people could only shred because they had some natural gift I wasn’t born with! Looking forward to the journey.