Trailing edge riffing death metal!

Hey guys so I’ve posted here a while ago trying to see if I want to continue playing with the leading edge or stick with my trailing edge technique (that I’m most comfortable with) and so I got a slow motion clip of playing this one riff from my band “Rivers Of Nihil” it’s not too tricky of a riff but at the same time it’s comfortable playing with the trailing edge.

After seeing the video I notice I’m doing a lot of jumping around. I know this isn’t really good but at the same time I feel like I can do it fairly quickly.

Let me know what you guys think, maybe I can improve this technique?


Also here’s another clip I recorded at 240fps.
You can see how when I string hop after an upstroke it’s like I avoid the string to not hit it. If I could somehow incorporate a dwps or swipe that would be amazing.

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Try to play the same sequence and start with an upstroke, that feels weird if you do that for the first time, but I’d give it a try.

This is clearly UWPS and you play even numbers of notes per string, so your motion works against the pattern.
The slant looks good for me, your upstrokes escape and the motion is wide enough to reach the next string.
It’d be good to see it without hopping.

If starting with upstrokes is no option for you could either sweep or swipe the upstrokes or as you told yourself switch to DWPS.


the new tracks are sick, chief*

trailing edge always LOOKS weird to me, and it feels weird when I try and do it except in some scenarios, but in your case it seems to SOUND ok, how does it feel?

*certainly making me rethink hanging up my saxophone


Thank you! I feel like I am naturally an upward pick slanter and swiping might sometimes naturally occur and I just don’t notice it?

Hahaha thanks man! And yeah trailing edge for me feels pretty natural and I feel like I have way more dynamic control that way as opposed to leading edge which I feel more attack and loudness but not as accurate.

I think when something feels easy it’s worth taking it as far as it will go.

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I’d say yes for both, and there’s no problem with both.
The only thing with UWPS is that on even number of notes per string you should start with an upstroke, to ensure to change strings with the escape stroke, in your video you do the opposite and that’s the reason for the stringhops.

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Ahhhhh ok I see what you’re saying! :slight_smile: