Two-string sweeps and 2WPS?

Let’s say I do a two-note sweep like this, starting with DWPS:

  1. Hit first string with downstroke, plow into next, start forearm rotation for 2WPS, keeping contact
  2. Downward escape to sound and exit next string

This seems to be totally legitimate 2WPS and seems to be fast. Thoughts? What is the name of this technique?

In other words one can efficiently start and end any sweep of 2 or more strings properly escaped.


Perhaps I am asking if there are two kinds of rest strokes, one that preserves the pick slant, and one that flips it? (In other words, rest vs. rest-and-rotate?)

As far as I understand it, that’s totally correct, although maybe not the rest-and-rotate part. When I find myself using this technique at speed, which can be either during the slant reversal of a 2wps run or during crosspicking, I find that the “flipping” motion tends to happen throughout the entire pickstroke–the reversal starts before coming to rest on the next string. So it’s a continuous axis flip, but it is true (at least for me) that the rotation motion does play a large role in plucking the string that I reverse on. I don’t know if that’s the same thing as rest and rotate because it seems like there’s not really a “rest” before flipping the pick through the final string of the sequence.