Two-way pickslanting - am I making a misunderstanding?

recently I learned how to do TWPS then came across primary motion and secondary motion. Is it clear that players like Michael Angelo Batio, vinnie moore and Andy wood use primarily a DSX but have a curve on the upstroke on UDU’

so it’s essentially TWPS but the rotation only occurs on the last stroke

does this actually work? I could not see the video but I have a hard time believing it due to being new to guitar, and are all methods able to bring speed at high tempos such as 150bpm sextupluts/ 16th note triplets

if anyone can show a video or post on the ways of different ways to TWPS. I believe I am doing the rotation on the last pick stroke which feels super wrong

It sounds like you’ve got the concept correctly! And yes, this does work, many players do it. However it is usually learned subconsciously. The players that do this are almost never consciously aware that they make these motions.

Just keep in mind that not all picking techniques require 2wps. So you can’t simply assume that yours does. Even if your technique would be a candidate for this, you would need to know which type of escape your current joint motion has, so that you can match phrases correctly to that technique. Without this information, you wouldn’t know which notes require the 2wps motion and which don’t.

Starting with trying to learn 2wps is not how I recommend learning picking technique because it skips over important steps that you would need to know to even do 2wps correctly anyway. The best way is a little simpler and starts with establishing basic motion:

  1. Test your joint motions to get a sense of what fast/easy motion feels like. Use the Primer or watch one of our excerpts on YouTube.

  2. Make sure your current picking technique achieves similar speed / easyness when playing a single note on a single string

  3. If the tests are much faster than your actual playing, choose a different core joint motion that more closely matches your test results

  4. Then establish hand sync on repeating single-string patterns until you can play them fast with one pickstroke per note and solid time

  5. Once fast hand sync is happening, learn which escape your joint motion has and try some string-switching phrases that match this escape. The Primer is a good reference for which techniques create which escapes.

This is a basic blueprint, but it’s what we follow in our instructional material. It sounds like I’m pointing you to our instructional material, I don’t mean to be an ad-bot, but the fact is these subjects really aren’t taught elsewhere so there aren’t too many other places to point you!