Unlocking my wrist - finding my motion


I’ve been trying out different tremolo techniques the last couple of days, and I seem to gravitate to an elbow motion, but can’t seem to loosen up and let the wrist motion going, despite looking at all the wrist videos that come with the Picking Primer. I have tried the various tabletop exercises but can’t really transition the wrist one to the guitar. In the “Wrist and elbow - front” I tried to use my left hand to “lock” the right hand which helps a bit.

Any advice on this? Should I continue working on trying to use the wrist more or stick to the elbow motion? Having a wrist motion or a mix of wrist and elbow seems to be a the ultimate motion for me, anchoring the hand on the bridge for control. After practicing the tremolo with the elbow only I experiencing some fatigue (not pain) in the right arm elbow.


Some videos below:

Forearm - side:

Elbow - side:

Elbow - front:

Wrist and elbow - front:

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There are definitely plenty of great community members here that can give helpful advice, but also well-meaning people like me who could steer you wrong lol! Since you’ve already “paid” for it, might as well get some guaranteed feedback from the professional critique-ers :slight_smile:

Thank you!

I’ve already posted a TC a few days ago, but I figured while waiting I could get a second opinion on my technique through the forum. But I’ll guess I have to wait until I hear from the professional critique-ers. :slight_smile: