Updated CtC terms?

Hi guys/gals, I’ve been in on CtC since waaaay back when but for a while there I was just too busy with work/family/life and I hadn’t really kept up. Now that I’ve got some more time I’m jumping back in and seeing what’s been going on, but I had to do some digging to suss out some of the acronyms and verbiage. Is there a sticky or anything that I missed that breaks out all the terms? It looks like UWPS and DWPS have fallen by the way side in favor of newer terms that I’m still figuring out (i.e., USX), I’m assuming because he thought the old ones didn’t totally accurately reflect the movements or techniques as more discoveries were made. Is there a glossary or crosswalk-type thing showing the relationship between the new and old terms?


Welcome back to the site :smiley:

I’d say the main thing that changed was that instead of naming the pickslant (the appearance of the pick), the motion itself is referred.

I guess the new pickslanting primer chapters should help:

Picking Motion – Cracking the Code (troygrady.com)

And here is the blog post explaining what the new chapters are:

Welcome to the Pick-ipedia! – Cracking the Code (troygrady.com)

Hope this helped :smiley:

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Ahhh yep those are good places for me to start at least. I think I’ve seen them before but I don’t think they were as up-to-date or had as much material. Another thing I’ve seen in some of the vids is Troy referencing clock-oriented picking, like one where he referenced Di Meola’s picking as being 8/2 o’clock, but I see that he uses what used to be termed UWPS, so is that correct that those two are interchangeable? Then is DWPS the 7/1 o’clock motion Troy mentions?

EDIT: I think I was getting a bit confused because of the opposition of the terminology, like what was formerly called UWPS (my primary way of playing fast ) is now known as DSX, and DWPS USX.


Awesome suggestions @altaykacan thank you :slight_smile:

@gipsyblues73 This should help to make sense of the clock-face terminology for wrist motions :slight_smile:

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Missed that one, thanks Tommo!

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