Upward pickslanters --- preference for inside picking?

Do you tend to favor inside picking more?

Absolutely. I’ve started more specific dsx practice few months ago and sometimes will spontaneously hit outside picking on licks but it still feels more natural for me to inside pick and even start 3NPS runs on an upstroke

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I tend to favor UPS. I can do DPS but my hand has a tendency to slip back to Upward. With DPS, I’m better with the Yngwie rules from the Volcano series (pull off last note when descending in odd number note groupings on string, sweep to the next string with Odd number groupings etc).

But notes are clearer sounding and passages are a little smoother with UPS.

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well inside and outside is subjective. even if your DSX you use inside to go high to low but outside when going low to high. I think the way to look at it is that you like DSX over USX from a form standpoint. overlapping sixes are outside going up low to high but inside coming down high to low. and if you do the paul gilbert thing with one note on the upper string you can stay dsx and swipe on way back down but if you do the reverse gilbert ala DiMeola 3 notes on higher string one on lower you would have to rotate to USX on the one low note to clear it and not get roadspikes. but overall i am DSX.

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That’s interesting. You didn’t try to work it out so that it’s inside picking no matter whether you ascend or descend?

well using inside to go from low to high would be the opposite of what dsx would want cause it would cause the road spikes where you would run into the string you just played unless you switched to USX. Cause inside picking would be using upstroke string changes going low to high which is not what the DSX would want.

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Inside picking is easier for me yes. I also try to get better at things I can’t do so more outside picking practice and downward pick slanting time and its getting almost as easy and fluid as upward slanting. Lately I’ve been doing duplets on adjescent strings or string skipping and swapping between inside and outside picking in different intervals.

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