USX - Do you think about the upstroke?

Hey guys,

Just wondering when it comes to USX motion are yall thinking about making both pick strokes or primarily concentrating on the downstroke and letting the pick “naturally” return back through?

If I’m doing strict alternate picking its just the downstroke, however if I’m doing economy picked lines, I’m focusing on whatever pickstroke is falling on the beat. For those 2 string arpeggios that dudes like Marty Friedman and oldschool proto shredders like Michael Schenker and Gary Moore do, those often start on upstrokes.

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It depends on what I’m playing, but I would say that, yes, I don’t think about the upstroke, really. Or, maybe I’d say that I think about the entire “down/up” motion as a single unit.

At high speeds, no, except sometimes when it’s the note prior to a string change.

At moderate speeds, sometimes I concentrate on doing strong upstrokes as an attempt to even the up vs downstroke dynamics.