USX scale practice

Hello !

I’ve been working on the Volcano seminar for a few months, Does anyone have the corresponding Yngwie style scale tabs in both major and minor please ?

I know there is a chapter with an “hybrid scale” but this is only one position and ascending only, I would love to work on the other positions, I’m sure it would be helpful to make connections between the awesome licks of this seminar and neck visualization.

Thanks !

Just google three note per string scale shapes or CAGED scale shapes (whichever you prefer) and have at it using USX mechanics :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot !! Exactly what I needed :slight_smile:

And just to be sure, if I want to adapt my previous scales or any lick using USX, when ascending I should use a combination of alternate picking and sweeping and when descending a combination of alternate picking and legato ?

Alternatively stated, you can alternate pick or use legato anywhere, but sweep only in one direction.

However, if you find a way to sweep in both, why not?

Okay but I actually have a problem with this descending pattern of thirds on the first 3NPS position in C.
No matter if I start with a downstroke or upstroke or use mostly legato, at some point I end up stuck with a downstroke occurring before a cord change, how would you play it :


@antoine96 you’re absolutely right. You can’t play a lick like that with pure USX, you’ll get tangled up. You can either play it in chunks, throw in some occasional legato notes, or use DBX.

I’m sure there are other ways, but I can’t think of them :thinking:

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If you “must” pick everything, I would either swipe an outside string change OR find some type of DBX motion to switch into.

If you’re cool with not picking everything, doing some kind of legato move is usually the answer. I find myself doing EVH style hammer on’s from nowhere if I have a “lone note” on a lower string.

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If you’re specifically after the YJM approach to descending thirds like this, it’s outside alternate picking. In other words, begin your sequence there on an upstroke so that the higher string in each segment will end on upstrokes each time, and those single notes you have to grab from a lower string (like the first fret 6 on the B string there) are with downstrokes which you can either rake through or wrist-extend on your way back to each higher string - or for some of us, a little of both depending on the tempo.

The precedence for this is in runs like the I am a Viking riff that uses what I call the Lone Note Exception to set up those single notes on the ascent, then the resulting alternate picking on the way down.

In your sequence, it’s only going to happen on one note in each six, so the way that most stays with your preference + one workaround is the way to go.


Wow thanks so much for your detailed answer, I had a hard time figuring this on my own :nerd_face:can’t wait to try this !

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