Happy Easter, Everyone!
I’m stuck in my USX fight a little and I don’t know what to change. I’ve tried countless variations of this technique recently and I can play some pretty good sounding USX lick on a good day. This is a non cherry picked clip from a bad day though.
Sticky pickstrokes are my main problem. I have no idea what to change, I’m clearly doing an USX motion, I do have a downward pickslant and a little bit of edge picking. I can’t find the source. Sometimes it’s on ups, sometimes on downs and sometimes on both. It feels like every pickstroke has to lift something really heavy. I start tensing up my thumb, I break E and B strings really often when practicing it and the attack doesn’t sound right.
It annoys me even more, because I almost have a DBX motion which is basically the same thing with more wrist extension on downs. It escapes on both ends, but stickiness renders it unusable too.
Here’s a normalized dry input sample for my DSX, the peak was around -12db before normalization.
USX, peak was around -1,5db before normalizing, same guitar, same gain settings.