Vai Inspired Ascending Alternate-picked run

I had posted this before, but I think there’s similar phrasing in this:

I like the sound of the trills in this one.


@Pepepicks66 Yes there’s definitely some cross over with both the Vai versions and my version there.

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Really awesome picking.
One issue I have with the original run, is the trills that use the middle and pinky finger. This slows the run down a lot. And they start on the pinky so even harder, at least for me lol

If you could make a video doing the original run I’d love that, would give me something to work towards.

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The original as in, the one posted by @SlyVai as a soundslice?

@Pepepicks66 yes. The very first sound slice that is a purely alternate picked version with a grouping of six.

@Pepepicks66, haha yes if you’ve got time please, let’s see it done by a pro ! :slight_smile:

Started working on it:


@Pepepicks66 yeah that’s pretty much the gist of it. it has the tendency to sound a little exercise-y, but what strikes me about it is that it’s a little tricky to play because it’s a 12 note sequence, and you constantly have to think about where you are in it, so you don’t wander. At least that’s what I found about it.

Here’s my take

Here’s how it’s supposed to sound at a slower speed:

Here’s me butchering it at a faster tempo:

Kinda choppy and uneven In tempo. I’ll take another crack at it tomorrow when I have some time.


Yes ! Cool thanks @Pepepicks66 and @Fossegrim.
I had intended it to be played faster like your second video @Fossegrim but I never got there so had to post it at a slower speed.

It does sound a bit exercisy yes I just like these repeating runs for simplicitys sake and of course it helps me to develop my picking motions.

I’m working on the descending variation which is a little less repeating so I’ll post that, I nearly had it down earlier but tired my fingers out in the end.

I figured as much, I’m just building up familiarity with the fingerings before doing a few full speed attempts.

Cool it wasnt a put down or anything dude youre playing it way cleaner than me at that speed so I’ve got no doubt you can blaze it. You’re using all alternate picking ?

Oh no worries, I didn’t take it that way! I just normally take a bit to get used to lines that are out of the norm for me, which this is. Yeah I just straight alternate pick it.

Like I said, It’s a hard one for me to play too. it’s really easy to lose where you are in it, and miss the downbeats. You can even hear some of the hesitation in places in the second clip because I just lost my place. I’ll have to play around with it a little more to see if I can get it. I think I need put it to a click though.

What is everyones fingering in this?

Is there an app or site I can use to notate the fingering? Would be hard to type it out

Just three note per string Lydian fingering.

Do modes have their own fingering?

In some circles they do. Mostly as a descriptor of where you are starting it in relation to the description. For example playing the Ionian scale using the locrian fingering implies you are positionally using the 3 note per string locrian pattern but just starting on the second note of the position. What fingers you actually use is really your preference.

With this lick it’s just the three note per string Lydian pattern. Whether you use your pointer middle and pinky or your pointer ring and pinky for the low and high e strings is just preference.

I try to stick to 1 finger per fret, very “boxed” positions.

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Gave it some fast attempts on camera:

If I had the Livestream set up I’d probably work on this one more and talk through what I’m aiming to improve and the little bits I isolated to practice (it’s the non-linear-6s portions). I don’t feel bad about how it’s turning out so far on session 2, considering I don’t play many riffs in 6s / 12s anymore.