Vimeo playback, timeline buttons bug

FYI the interactive timeline buttons beneath videos haven’t been working for a few days - the player hangs when clicking times. Turns out it’s a Vimeo bug and they are looking into it. I use the timeline all the time to navigate around big interviews, so I was really annoyed that this wasn’t working.

Good news is we have a workaround. In the mean time, we turned on the “time prompt” feature for all time buttons. When you click a button, the video will stop playing, and the browser will scroll to the top of the window. You’ll see the yellow and black button with the selected time, asking you to hit “play” to go to that time. Just hit play, and the video will restart at the requested time, with no hanging.

Previously, we only used the “time prompt” feature only for the first timeline click. Now, you’ll see it every time. It’s an extra step, but it appears to work.

We’ll turn the automatic time seeking back on again when they fix the hanging. Apologies for the inconvenience and let us know if you have any problems getting this to work.
