Vinnie Moore (oversimplified)

Hello fellow slanters of the pick,

I’m happy to share that I’ve reached a point where I don’t really care what kind of motion I’m using because it feels ok and I’m satisfied with my progress so far. So, to celebrate this achievement I decided to try Vinnie Moore’s intro to Saved by a Miracle with a very pedestrian arrangement (mostly by kind of remembering how it sounds) but hey, I think it sounds kinda cool!

Finally, about my technique, I’d say the most critical changes have been my switch to trailing edge with a veeeeeeery light grip, and for anyone curious, I feel like my motion is coming from the elbow with a controlled wrist for precision, like shaking my arm and letting the relaxed wrist follow the laws of physics. That’s probably wrong but it’s how I can describe my perception.


Awesome man, is that a baritone? Looks huge.

Btw that purple 80’s strat in your backround… Can you do a vid with it? Out of all the fender stuff I want that.


Dude, not only is this awesome, I really admire your ability to learn and record pieces.


Good stuff!

I am pretty sure Vinnie records his acoustic pieces with a light pick (maybe a 0.6?), or at least he did that from “the maze” onwards. You could try that!

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thank you! I’ve just noticed how big this guitar looks hahaha but it’s the opposite. Perhaps the camera app on my phone is acting funny.

Also, thank you @tommo! I’ll definitely give light picks a try on the nylon strings, and @eric_divers I really appreciate the kind words. I’ve been on a speed run-ish mood lately and I’m glad there’s some progress to show.