Web site performance upgrade

FYI we just finished moving the site to a web host with more resources, so you should notice a nice performance boost when browsing site pages. Things should feel snappier, particularly when using slower pages like the store.

As part of this, we logged everyone out of the site to prevent issues with outdated login cookies causing trouble when logging in or out. This just means you may see a message about having to log in again. That’s fine — that was us. Just log in as normal.

If you notice anything weird or have any difficulty logging into your account, just reply to this thread or send us a note at [email protected], we’ll get right on it!


Hey Troy - the video you linked to me in your last message in my TC returns a “video doesn’t exist” error. Possibly due to this move? Here’s the link:

[ redacted - fixed ]

Aha, not a site bug — just posted the link wrong. I edited in your TC!