What about a scoreboard/leaderboard?

Hey guys I’ve had an idea! (A dangerous thing I know)

We’re all clearly guitar nerds am I right?

I’m sure you all would agree that the 80’s arcade theme to cracking the code is equally as cool as the content itself. So it got me thinking

Why don’t we have a leaderboard for some of the exercises in the seminars?

We could decide on say 5 exercises and see who can get them the fastest with the correct technique. Entries can be sent in as a YouTube video of you playing the exercise to a metronome? It would be a good way to see the techniques in action and to see where the limits lie speed wise?

So for example we could use the yngwie pattern and have a leader board of the top 10 guys/gals with a link to their video next to their score?

What do you guys think?


P.s I know I’m not getting anywhere near the top score but it would still be fun

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Hi @Tom_h.

I’d really oppose the idea. There is a perception on other forums that Cracking The Code is all about speed and all that matters to @Troy and the rest of us is playing as fast as possible. Obviously, this isn’t true, but the existence and promotion of a scoreboard of playing speeds would be used to support that position. I believe it would be very damaging to the image of CTC.

I’d like the focus to remain on analysis and cooperation, rather than competition.

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Oh really @Tom_Gilroy that blows!
Who cares what other rookie think tho??

I thought it would just be between us guys on the forum and would showcase the techniques and inspire people to dive in?

Shame people are always at each other’s throats out there in internet land!

I sort of share @Tom_Gilroy 's take. Further, I could see that sort of thing as possibly intimidating some new folks into not diving into this forum. I think the community here has done a good job of making people feel like you don’t need to already be at Rusty Cooley levels of shred to feel comfortable posting video of yourself, and I’m not convinced that a “scoreboard”, however well-intended, would be compatible with that.

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No worries guys
Was just an idea :v:t3: