What albums are you currently listening to?

I got the new Marty Friedman album Wall of Sound and it’s fantastic. I had gone off instrumental music for a while there, but this is really something else. His playing is so melodic and unique and those bends are magical!!

I also got the latest Harem Scarem album United. It’s very melodic with loads of great guitar work and really nice vocals. I’ve been hooked on Marty for the last two weeks though.


Been on a weird Gojira kick lately – never got into their first album before but it’s baller.

On a less metal note, Lorn’s “Ask The Dust” is really cool and makes regular appearances in my headphones.

Other than that, a surprising amount of 90s pop artists punctuated by Lady Gaga and Nikki Minaj. Good pop songwriting is an incredibly subtle art, one that many of my early tech-death heroes could stand to learn. :expressionless:

(Edit: made it a bit more clear which albums I meant)


I’m liking some of Lorn’s tracks, never heard of them before but am enjoying them now.

I’m listening to Death’s Spiritual Healing, as well as Gorgut’s classic album Considered Dead. Aside from that, electronic music such as Telefon Tel Aviv.

Nice variation in music! Let me ask you something - how do you come to appreciate bands such as Death? I love the instrumentation, but the vocals make it very difficult for me to listen to.

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Sheer perversity, in my experience. Eventually you get used to it and start preferring some vocalists over others :wink:

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It really is acquired taste. I think that particular Death album I mentioned, Spiritual Healing, is a great intro to old-school death metal because the lyrics come out clearly and are applicable to the time period during which they were written (late 80s, early 90s). I would just keep at it.

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Exodus by Andy James

Andy James is a picking machine!! Have you heard the Wearing Scars album? Loads of cool guitar work on that one also.