Would you be proud to be regarded as a shredder? How big of a compliment would you consider it? I’ve been giving the subject some thought and it seems to me that the whole concept of being a “shredder” is at least somewhat unusual. What other instrument has a special word used to describe someone who does on that instrument what a “shredder” does on guitar? What is the equivalent term for “shredder” for somebody who plays the equivalent of shred style phrases or solos on piano? How about saxophone? Or cello? How about drums? I’m not aware of any terms for players of any of those instruments which are the equivalent of the word “shredder” to describe a specific type of guitar player, are you?
What does this say about guitarists and specifically “shredders”? Is being called a shredder a compliment? Or is it some bizarre obsession with playing rapidly that rarely afflicts the players of other musical instruments? It’s certainly a compliment to a pianist or saxophone player to be told he has great technique or great chops. I don’t think there’s any controversy over that. But how about when a musician’s chops define him to the point that a specific word had to be created to describe he is that type of guitarist - a “shredder”? I’m not aware of an equivalent term for “shredder” for pianists or trumpet players or saxophone players, are you? if only guitarists have a special word to describe players that are classified as “shredders”, why do you suppose that is?
There are people who who have called me a “shredder.” It didn’t bother me. I didn’t feel insulted. I even felt complimented because it meant they thought I had great chops. But is it really a compliment if the word “shredder” defines the type of guitarists you are?