Yo Whammy, you’re question is already two years old, but I just stumbled on it via a Google search just now - I was wanting to confirm my own figuring on the same question you ask here.
Read through all the expert replies here and sounds to me like no one actually really answered the question - sometimes experts seem not to be able to fathom the simplicity and basicness of a novice’s perspective.
I love music, but I know nothing about music - zilch (therefore I may be the most qualified person here in this forum to understand and answer this question most directly and clearly!).
Bought a guitar about two weeks ago (and I know guitar music can be played because I’ve seen it - otherwise I don’t think at this point that I would believe it) and yesterday I bought an electronic metronome (not that I have any real use for it yet, but somebody said “buy a metronome”), and I was trying to figure out how the metronome works (I’ll get to the guitar someday).
One of its functions seems to be that it “cycles” (somebody else in this forum used that word) through the 12 tone scale!
At first I had a hard time distinguishing - higher? lower? - but after a few hours of just clicking through the 12 tone scale it slowly dawned on me and I think I could hear it!
Seems to me C is the lowest note of the scale, at least the one I was listening to (and I think they should all cycle-through in this same way), as best as I can tell.
Could one also put it that C is the lowest note of any particular octave in the standard Western 12 tone musical scale? - I mean unless if the chosen octave started on C (can that happen?), which means C would repeat, so then one would have to say the lowest note in that octave is the lower of the two Cs.
Anyway, the point is that in one cycle of the Western 12 tone musical note progression…
A B Bb C C# D Eb E F F# G G#
…C is the lowest note.
I’m guessing that there is probably some reason why they don’t just call that note “A,” and start from there (I mean besides just wanting to confuse novices).
Anywho, experts, please chime in on how my commentary here is incorrect, if that is the case - I mean if you can actually understand what the question here is!
However, I am still a little worried that maybe I don’t understand how the question might not make any sense:
Watch: Richard Feynman on Why He Can’t Tell You How Magnets Work (sciencealert.com): https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-richard-feynman-on-why-he-can-t-tell-you-how-magnets-work
Oh yeah, and that would make B the highest note.