What's Your Fastest Method Of UWPS?

I tried anchoring the fingers the same way MAB does and it felt very uncomfortable, especially as I moved from the low strings to the higher strings. The closer my pick got to the fingers that were anchoring, it started to feel more and more cramped - I felt that the placement of the anchoring fingers got in the way of moving my wrist, that there wasn’t enough room to move my wrist the way I needed to move it.

I also found I had to bend my fingers at the knuckles more and more the closer I moved towards the high E string. When picking on the low E or A string I could keep those anchored fingers extended, but unless I bent the fingers at the knuckles, it led to my pick being way too high above the strings when I got to the B string and especially the high E string. Did you also find that anchoring that way caused those same problems?

Did you incur any specific injury from over-practicing or are you just fatigued? I’ve had a few minor injuries over the years. I’ve found rest, ice packs and Advil helpful.

Yes, I definitely had those problems. The anchoring caused comfort issues, and it really started to limit my motion, and made it harder for me to escape the strings.

No specific injuries… but there is some strain in my fretting index finger and in the back of my hand and forearm of my picking side. Yeah, ibuprofin/ice works well, but I need to stretch a bit more before warming up. I’ve been obsessively practicing 1NPS runs, and it’s taken it’s toll.

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They’re relaxed enough to let my hand/wrist pivot while my hand is on the body of the guitar. My wrist will move to position the pick when changing strings, but the wrist doesn’t play a part in actually moving the pick at those speeds. At least, that’s how it feels to me.


ok. my joints are still a bit tender, but I was able to do a little CAGED pattern at ~ 220bpm 16ths. When I feel 100%, I’ll try it at my max (my raised-wrist mode)


Again… this is way too fast for me to even know if I’m synced… and its way outa my comfort zone (I rarely exceed 180 bpm). But I watched it at 1/4 speed, and I think I’m synced… but I just don’t know. The ‘G’ string vibrates again on the 3rd to last note, so maybe I swiped.

Sorry it’s upside down, but I’m terrible with a camera phone.