Yngwie Malmsteen picking analysis video

I know we have discussed Yngwie’s technique here a lot, but Youtube seems to be suggesting me a ot of picking videos lately!

Here is an interesting one for you all, nothing new in it, but maybe someone here will get something out of it.


Nice analysis - I would argue he also uses his wiggly thumb for more than just upward runs during the Alcatrazz era. He was using it (from what I can tell) extensively for the tongue twisting circular four runs that were everywhere during the first part of his career. He later stopped playing these runs - so this analysis is spot on for the post 85 stuff

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Yeah, it’s a good video. The guy playing the licks has a very nice tone too and he is a great player. He really has some of those Yngwie licks nailed down!

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Roma Li is really good.