Yngwie version of J.S.Bach Badinerie

Hello all,
I was watching this youtube video where Yngwie plays Bach’s Badinerie ( I love the piece, I learnt it on piano ages ago ).

I was asking myself how does it cope the first 2 bar picking, it seems he does a little Upward Sweep ( but I don’t see any forearm pronation ).

Trying to slow down the video and watching closely I think the picking motions are these:

I feel so clumsy playing those two UPs.

What do you think ? Does Yngwie actually sweep those two notes ?

Thank you for any advice!


Hi @Atryel

Make your 7 on the G string a upstroke… 11th fret would be a downstroke. Everything else is correct. So that is Down, Pulloff, Down at the end.

You should play it however you feel most comfortable. :smiley:

He breaks into this in the song No Mercy off of the album Fire and Ice

-Hanky Pooh


I agree with @Hanky_Pooh it looks like a three note upstroke with everything else the same as you have written it. Every time I see Yngwie play the beauty of his picking amazes me.


Agreed with @Hanky_Pooh. I played this piece in the similar manner:



This is what Yngwie is doing

This is how I would play it

Cheers mane :bear::beers:


Edited the post, should start at the right time now! I just copied directly from YT using the “share” link but I think you just needed to add &t=2m23s instead of ?t=2m23s after the video ID in the URL.


I played the same lick and I do it the same way as Yngwie does it, just like in the picture Hank posted.


Thank you all! I really appreciate your help! :slight_smile:

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yep, I think this is probably what Yngwie does:


( apart maybe the last pull off, he could be using an Upstroke as last note on the G string, freeing the pick as for DWPS )

It’s really awesome how he’s able to “break” his own implicit rules of DWPS without any remarkable effort, there isn’t really any appreciable pronation of his forearm during the upward sweep.


You da mang, mang. :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah @Atryel I think Yngwie just does whatever the hell he wants. His picks are that slick delrin 500 stuff. So I’m sure he can just tilt the pick at a extreme leading edge angle and just roll over the strings no matter what pickslant he’s using. He says he don’t pay any attention at all to his pick hand. I believe it. He does some weird moves sometimes. But, so do I. It’s a Florida thing man. lmao. :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::palm_tree::palm_tree::palm_tree:

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Here ya go man, I did a redneck version of Badinerie for ya. Sorry I double shared the video guys. :neutral_face:

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