I already have recorded dozens of demo songs etc…just here myself working with Reaper and Ez Drummer etc. I have literally dozens upon dozens of riffs written that I dont even remember. Some decent stuff. Like Ive done stuff on worknights when i was tired and forget it the next day. I see these song names in Reaper and im clueless so i click on them and its some decent stuff that I only vaguely remember doing lol
I probably have demos enough for 2 albums as I speak. But, i want it to sound better lol. Perfectionist I guess. Getting nowhere though
I dont even care about making loads of cash, its more just being ignorant even of simple things like sites such as CDBaby etc etc. It just seems like the hurdles are too big and I cant really get going.
How many thousands of people put together albums, put them for sale online and thats that?..they sell maybe 50 to friends etc lol. So theres that.
Yet the Bible warns pretty strongly about burying your talents and therefore losing them etc.
Lastly, I think about all the bands I like. For instance Van Halen. I listen to that stuff all the time still. I got the DLR era 6pk in the car. I put on VH2 and hear DLR doing his screams etc and it simply makes the day better. So in that regard id like to contribute whatever is inside me for the enjoyment of others
But like I said, so far it aint happening lol.
The only ray of hope is that my singing and guitar playing continue to improve (its all subjective of course.) I only starting actually studying singing 3 years ago but its went pretty well.
But at this point I think its like someone with a PHD trying to get a job as a grocery bagboy. there are people with WAY less overall talent than me who are making a living at music. cest la vie
Sorry, didnt mean to drag the board down with my troubles lol
Peace, JJ