Zero-degree pickslanting

I’m not really sure I’m achieving it. I can’t find a tutorial on the seminaries, maybe there is one and I can’t find it. What are some giveaways that I’m doing it?

Can you record your pick motion with your smartphone? If so, I presume you’ll see a very small amount of pick slant. Naturally, the slant can never be exactly zero, so I’m not exactly sure how to define victory.

I will try to do it later, I think I’m doing it right, given that it feels like the pick is trapped between both strings

It’s easy to confuse/conflate slant and trajectory. If you play with the wrist you can actually be trapped but not have a zero degree pickslant. Conversely you can have a zero degree pickslant and have a trajectory that escapes on downstrokes or upstrokes. Zero degrees plus trapped (what you mentioned you think you’ve achieved) is another option. Filming is the only way to know for sure. Mirrors can give us an approximation too.

More importantly, is there a reason you think you need it? There’s a great section in the primer on RDT and zero degree pickslant is covered there.