Really looking forward to this!
Shows you can economy pick very evenly if you work on it!
I wonder if Brandon arranges his lines so he can economy pick them? I’m sure he uses some pull offs or hammer ons in there too? @Troy, any early insights for us?
Maybe I’m missing something, but how else is economy picking supposed to sound? Unless you were really trying to use it for a specific effect, if it’s done with pretty good syncing, and no over or under embellishments, it shouldn’t really be that easy to discern from alternate picking.
It can turn into triplets if you’re not carful.
Well I think that’s mostly by design and how people often use it. It obviously lends itself very well to odd note groupings and threes are one of the most commonly used of those groupings and work conveniently within three note per string scale patterns.
For me the problem with economy scale playing is that the 2-string sweeps are easily rushed, so the rhythm can become uneven if one is not careful. I think Brandon himself talks about working on this aspect so I’m also looking forward to hear the full discussion
Yeah but that’s pretty typical though of any technique you get with any two strokes in a row going the same direction like sweep picking. That really just takes practice and developing the feel for it.
This is one, like sweep picking, where it really helps to go slow and lock it in, and also develop the feel and control. The thing is though that it may require some adjustment on your normal picking technique. A lot of time what happens is that people often give up with techniques like this because they feel awkward especially with their normal picking mechanics. I know I did for many years for that reason. Eventually I just decided to really focus on it, and learned to make adjustments when I knew I was going to use it, and I’m really glad I did. It is hands down one of the most useful techniques especially for adding interesting note groupings like 5,7, and 9’s and I use it all the time now. It’s also killer for two hand synchronization, because you can’t be unsynched and have it sound passible. It really is another litmus test.
Especially sequences with many changes of direction…
Although I don’t use two way economy much now, I did find that using the trigger grip helped a lot. Gave more edge picking by design and with the compact nature of the grip, the arm flip flop feels a little…less.
I guess you just have to experiment to see what grips and arm positions work for two way economy.
I’ve always found the change in direction is just too much of a muscular effort for me. Perhaps it takes me more effort to rotate my forearm than some.
If I just rotate my forearm in free space it feels too visceral, and sometimes there is a clicking in my joint that is undesirable. I think there is a lifetime of… certain right hand use, that has tightened the muscles in my right hand that is not used to rotation
Love that Jackson! Sweet guitar.

I’ve always found the change in direction is just too much of a muscular effort for me. Perhaps it takes me more effort to rotate my forearm than some.
If I just rotate my forearm in free space it feels too visceral, and sometimes there is a clicking in my joint that is undesirable. I think there is a lifetime of… certain right hand use, that has tightened the muscles in my right hand that is not used to rotation
Well what do you mean exactly? Like the change from ascending to descending directions? It sounds like you are over emphasizing something, it honestly shouldn’t take large amounts of forearm rotation to do that if any at all. in fact working from a neutral “trapped” perspective would work for either direction.
When will it be available to watch?
Having my forearm rotated inwards like how you’d pour some tea, is just not relaxed for me. It’s not hard or anything, just always feels like I’m forcing it to stay that way.

Having my forearm rotated inwards like how you’d pour some tea, is just not relaxed for me. It’s not hard or anything, just always feels like I’m forcing it to stay that way.
Rotating your whole forearm or just rotating from the wrist? Either way you like don’t need to do either.
I find I have to rotate the forearm more than I’d like to change pickslant. I’m not looking to change my technique tho what I have is ok.
Using pulloff makes up for it.
You don’t really have to change pickslant. even if you felt you had to for descending parts, slightly moving your thumb to change the slant from your normal position to a neutral is enough.
You can see Frank Gambale and Oz Noy rotating the forearm to change direction in the interviews here. I certainly ain’t gonna argue with them . So whatever works!
Yeah, I’m not them tho lol
I can do it fine, its just not comfortable and an effort.
Looks very smooth n easy for Brandon though.
I ain’t them either . Just saying it’s a thing you see lots of these guys do. Can’t recall seeing anyone who could do it without rotating the arm a bit.