Consistent pick attack


I’m playing guitar for a few years now. I’m still not able to get a consistent/fluid alternate picking motion on one string. Especially if I try to play a longer run of 16th Notes (slow tremolo picking). I always have the feeling of getting “stuck on the string” (garage spike problem). But I didn’t find a solution yet.

I already tried different pick grips, hand positions, motions, angles.

My first picking grip had a “normal” grip exposure like @Troy is recommending in the “grip exposure” video. My main problem with this was a very inconsistent pick attack. (how much pick hit the string // I don’t mean rest strokes or picking angle!) So recently I switched to a grip with less grip exposure. With this grip the picking feels a little smoother, but the Consistency is still not as good as it should be.

Maybe one of you guys see my problem and can give me some advice? That would be very nice. Is so frustrating :frowning:

In the video Picking 2 i switched between 8th downstrokes and alternate 16th notes… I use the “circle” motion only for pure downstrokes…


First of all, welcome to the forum and nice playing!

In the second video, to me it looks like the motion starts as USX. Around 0:11 it turns into a DSX motion. That may account for the inconsistency. What may help is just a little bit of practicing this into a mirror with a down-the-strings angle so you can see for yourself when the drift happens. It may help you internalize what’s going on and let your body adapt. Because to me, the parts that are USX look pretty good.

Stepping back though, I know the recommended approach is more like:

  • Take the table tapping tests and figure out what your default fastest motion is
  • Try turning that motion into a tremolo

Even if it’s different than the motion you’re doing now, it may help you experience a type of smoothness you haven’t felt yet. That will give you something by which to gauge your current examples.

But overall, great start. Looks like you have promising USX. The above recommendation may unlock something different that’s even better, or help you improve what you’ve already got just by comparison.


What I see is that it’s not consistently anything. In the second video you are picking three completely different ways each time you try to do something. The last attempt when you play a lick, it’s primarily USX, it it switches briefly midway through the lick and then back to USX. Your first couple of attempts are all over the place.

On your first video, you can see you are using quite an odd 360 degree circular motion to pick the strings instead of a typical up and down of some sorts. This may be part of the inconsistency.


thank’s for your replies… I did the table tabbing test and played a little bit around with some motions… I ended up with a mix of wrist and elbow movement… Does this look better to you?


Yes it does! Work on just a tad more evenness with it and you’re good.

Nice! It looks and sounds more consistent and confident. Does it feel easier too?

Right now, though, your pickstrokes don’t look like they are escaping. Normally with elbow motion, you’d be downstroke-escaping over the A string.

Are you doing rest strokes instead? If that’s the case, then you may be leaning towards wrist-based USX.

You could try playing on higher strings and with a wide enough pickstroke, so that you’ll know if your motion is trapped or not.

I think it’s a great starting point!

One thing I noticed is that the motion size seems to vary from time to time. Are you consciously trying to control the size of your pickstrokes, e.g. making them as small as possible?

Spoiler: there’s no need to do that. Just let the pickstrokes be fast and fluid, and let the motion size be whatever it needs to be.