JonJon, and others in this thread- what a can of worms!
Let me preface all this by saying we’re from all different walks of life with only one thing in common and that is too precious to lose. That thing isn’t even guitar- it is THE guitar. So we need to cherish that.
I think we can even have a discussion on this provided we don’t shoehorn each other and/or assume the worst of intentions behind every single word. That courtesy I believe can be granted to others at least in the scope of this forum.
JonJon, you asked me in your message to be as frank as possible so I will oblige. I don’t for one second you are offensive or racist, but I can’t just brush off some of the insensitivity (which I believe stems from a lack of experience “on the other side” rather than a blatant form of discrimination) in bits throughout this thread- though not from you in particular.
Now, when people speak out against this “insensitivity,” whether it’s really that or just poor semantics- it should not be understood as the “PC Police” policing speech. When legitimate claims get reduced to memes, it tends to make matters difficult.
I have a few reservations about you overly identifying yourself with these labels; thus I need to question why you even feel attacked about minority claims that you’re responsible for this and that. You are surely not the cause for the world’s troubles so there’s no need for you to project that somehow this issue is about you- I say this in the most sincere and respectful way
One’s obligation should be first to themselves and their integrity, then to others, and then far down the list what niche they belong to, and then inform those (who make blanket statements) to use better or more precise semantics.
Which is why I find this bit:
"No one blinks or bats an eyelash when someone is called “that white dude”, or “you know, that white girl”
“she dance good for a white girl” etc. Or in my case the ever popular “you alright for a white dude”
Seriously, let a white cop shoot a minority and its world wide news for months…meanwhile a few hundred white folks get killed by minorities and it’s a yawner."
A little bit out of place because it feels like a mixture of projection, uncorroborated victimization, and a bit of straw-manning if you will.
You yourself say,
“I personally, as a Christian, conservative, white, southern male, have been blamed for all of the worlds evils…”
First, has it ever occurred to you that most if not all of those labels were at one point in history or another, for long periods, the ruling and/or privileged majority, and hence the disrespect they could be shown is not really equal to the disrespect shown to a minority group- because history provides the context for it to be so. That’s what being a majority power implies- that de facto by status you are sort of “immune” to hurt, because well- you have never been, to the same extent that other minority groups have been.
For example, “he’s cool for a gay dude” is not on equivalent standing to “he’s boring for a straight guy.”
But this does not mean I condone disrespect to those groups either- hardly in fact. It’s just that I do that while being very well aware of the immense historical context that I just cannot deny.
It is irrelevant, but just to highlight the spirit of what I mean, I personally am atheist, libertarian, of asian descent, and American upbringing- YET we are still holding conversation and enjoying each other’s company.
And in that context and framework I think there’s very little to get riled up over.
And for what it’s worth, I did not find “the 8 year old japanese girl can do it too” comment offensive (because I believe the context determines intent- and I didn’t find any)-
But then again, I am not Japanese, nor female, nor 8 years old
But aside from the facetious remarks, I do see the larger point you made in that paragraph about how technique has come a really long way as to be really accessible to the younger generation these days. Adapt and evolve, rinse and repeat as they say.
I hope my perspective has been helpful and above all, respectful