CTC Instructor Certificate Idea

Hey Everyone,

Hope I am in the right category and if not, @Brendan could you please move it accordingly? So I recently had a PM with @Troy and he felt it was best for public discussion, so here goes…

I’ve been very fortunate like a lot of other members in that we have a fantastic group of guys (and girls) here. Everyone helps out in terms of giving advice, technique you name it.

Personally, @Frylock and @mr_fisch93 deserve a few bottles of single malt for them helping me lol. Now going forward as the site continues to grow and evolve, I would hate to see the QUALITY of the forum and the advice given go by the wayside. Trollers and plain idiots are one thing, but someone even with GOOD intent trying to relay all the information @Troy and team has worked so hard on and screws up that translation would be a real shame. The last thing we want is wrong information being disseminated.

So just an idea for the forum- would you like to see some kind of certificate or course being given out to members who want to take that leap? Basically technique mods who have been OK’d by @Troy himself?

Thanks for reading and wishing everyone a nice week- BB


This sounds like a great idea to me!

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It’s an interesting idea. I think in general though, establishing the CTC “core competencies” may clarify pedagogical questions seen in some recent forum topics (e.g., lesson plans, where to begin digging into the material, etc.).


I just want future civilizations to find crude stone statues carved in my image. Is that too much to ask?


I want a statue of me fighting off a hydra with my Strat that shoots lightning bolts.


I think Jack Black may have that trademarked already, though strangely enough, I read your post in the voice of John C. Reilly as Cal Naughton Jr.

Only a les Paul can do that…

Took me a second to realize who Cal Naughtin Jr was…hilarious!!!
Little Baby Jesus approves.

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Thanks @Frylock this thread has gone down hill faster than Eddie the Eagle :wink:

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I actually think that’s a great idea in principle, it just could be applied in a cheesy way or a non cheesy way.

I’ve come across some forums where there are ‘approved’ members and when it’s a technical subject it’s super helpful, when you’re just joining, to see that.

The thing I think would be a big no no, at least along with the brand of CTC as I see it, is to have it be some cool title or something like a ‘certificate.’ or some cheesy forum ‘level’ concept - I think it could potentially be more direct than that.

At the same time, it does not seem like this forum has many problems with ‘know it alls’ coming and giving advice who don’t actually know what they’re talking about. So far people here seem pretty self aware and civil, that’s at least been my experience as a whole.


Personally, I’m fine with the system as is.
There are lots of great players here with great advise. I don’t necessarily think a certified set of instructors is really necessary. At least not at this point in the forum’s progression.
Just my .02…


I think having a full certification is a little overboard and since members aren’t getting compensated for it, theres a line between asking too much, etc. As @JakeEstner mentioned previously, a similar idea is on bodybuilding.com, you have rankings for members. I see it here too but you must click on their names. There, they have the little
seals, posting #'s and so on. It doesn’t mean they will always be right (even Troy humbly recognizes) when he doesn’t know something, but at least it is a quick kind of comfort. Similar to seeing scrubs on a doctor, or a police badge, there is a symbol that within a second or two you can give that individual the benefit of the doubt…

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This is exactly why I wear scrubs when I loiter in hospitals on the weekend.

badges? badges?!?!?!? we don’t need no stinkin badges!!!


On a serious note, another reason something like this is probably unnecessary is because @Troy and @Brendan are so active on the forum. If a thread is getting out of hand with misinformation, it’s pretty straightforward for them to intervene. If the volume of posts ever became so large that they couldn’t stay on top of things, maybe an idea like this would be worth revisiting.


No way Blazing Saddles could be made today!

Heck, I don’t think you could make the Wizard of Oz today. After all, its clearly offensive to dwarves… and what’s with those flying monkeys? Ooops, am I getting off topic a bit? uhhhmm… ok as far as certificates go… yeah… I agree with @Frylock , well… his last post. I do think that Troy and Brendan do an amazing job here responding to questions. Especially the video critiques… Troy definitely goes the extra mile to make sure people get good feedback, advice.

The worst part of TWOZ was that Dorothy was left in a tornado alone. Didn’t her family lock her out of the barn shelter? Add child endangerment to the list :slight_smile:

The main issue with this is that I’d fail my own certification! Our “stuff” is a moving target that keeps changing every time we learn something new, and I’m the worst offender. I know things now I didn’t know at all three years ago. And I’m sure that will be true three years from now. There may arrive a point at which we know so much about what is out there that we straight up insist a person play a particular way only, and learn a particular way only. But that is not the case currently. And it may never be if we consider ourselves more a menu of possible choices than a method.

I feel everything is best for public discussion! I get a consistent flow of private messages about cool things people have discovered, or asking me for feedback on their technique. And in almost all cases I ask that you simply post it publicly. For starters, sending me something privately doesn’t help anyone else. And ironically it doesn’t even get you the best information. Many, many threads on here are filled with advice from other users providing better guidance than I personally would have. And then I’m learning along with everyone else, and can provide better guidance the next time.

If you have administrative issues, or issues with another user, then PM is fine. Or our support email account, which we read regularly. But for anything about guitar specifically, which is probably something that the group might benefit from, that’s why we we have a forum!


haha I can’t truly undo my own dumb joke, can I?