Hey @Troy, thank you so much for taking your time and giving me suggestions!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to hear from you! I am just in the beginning of my guitar journey and you are such a huge inspiration for me to learn and improve my guitar technique. As a mechanical engineering student I love everything that you (and everybody on this forum!) do and clarify the motions and come up with a common language for us all. I had no idea what my picking hand was doing until I discovered CtC this March.
And I am so excited and happy to hear this from you 
Anyways, I tried what you reccomended me and I was somehow dissappointed with the results, hopefully they are not as bad as I think.
First there are clips of me playing with a metronome at 152bpm on one string, both with DBX and DSX. Then I have clips of the DBX motion with the three string pattern that I was practicing but I got rid of the string skipping part to have it fit with 16th notes nicely. I also stopped fretting each note and just held the chord shape to get rid of synchornization issues. I hope that doesn’t count as cheating!
Then I have clips of the same motion without a metronome to show speeds that I am comfortable with.
So here are the audience and closeup views of the DBX motion. Honestly I struggled with getting the 152bpm purely in DBX and it took me some time to get even these takes. I just feel like my wrist alone can’t get up to those speeds while getting the downstrokes to escape properly but I think I must be doing the motion wrong.
I also recorded myself doing the same thing with a DSX motion, mostly wrist based on these speeds. I guess that worked out relatively fine. I can reach similar speeds with an USX too so I guess the problem is with DBX only. (I am using the black JP pick in one of the videos, I changed to my orange Jazz III XL after I noticed its hard to see
[EDIT: Okay so I just realized my DSX isn’t really escaping as I thought it was, this was my first time recording myself in slowmotion with a DSX and I haven’t really worked with it, I just knew that it worked for 1 string tremelos, for example in Misirlou. Thats why I thought it would be good to include it here. If it is indeed as wrong as I fear it is, I guess it should be topic for another day another thread!
And here are my attemps at the three string triads, based on @JakeEstner’s post above I figured that I should get the upstrokes to escape in a more shallow curve. I think the way to this is to reduce the downward pickslant I had. Looking back at the videos, maybe I didn’t reduce it that much.
Do you think that might be a problem?
[EDIT: extra question ]Also here:
I had trouble applying this concept because I feel like I need the curvature to be able to get in and out of the strings, at least with the pick depth that I have currently. Is the trick to reduce the pick depth? I feel as though if I don’t imagine my wrist moving with a curve I’d just be trapped.
And here is the same thing without a metronome, so far I never played anything that requires so many string changes up to this speed so I wanted to show what kind speeds I am comfortable with.
And finally here is another clip of me trying the pattern in triplets (with the string skipping). I noticed especially here the upstrokes are going way up.
Here are all the clips that I took so far. I know this post is a bit long but thank you for your understanding and time. Also thank you so much in advance for all your wisdom and suggestions. I am looking forward to hearing from you and anyone else who would like to chime in!
I recently joined this forum and I am so happy that I did, it is amazing! I hope I can be of help to others once I get my technique figured out.