lordy that faux-slide at the end just about plucked my heart out
and boiled it down like a cabbage
lordy that faux-slide at the end just about plucked my heart out
and boiled it down like a cabbage
Just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone involved in the latest andy wood workshops. Ive watched 3/4 now and they’re awesome! It was the coolest thing ever to get to ask Andy questions and he answered two of mine so i was chuffed
Very informative stuff and great to watch
thanks to the CTC team
Tom H uk
I agree, one of my absolute favorite parts of this membership is the opportunity to directly interact with artists I would never meet otherwise. So valuable and insightful.
Right on! Thanks to you and everyone for watching.
I’ve edited hundreds of musical examples of Andy’s playing and spent hours staring at high resolution video but to sit next to the guy is honestly still a real privilege. Everything he does is just so effortless and experiencing it from a couple feet away really drives home how good he is.
Had time to watch 1/2 of the first Q&A session today, and so far it’s excellent, Andy is very open about discussing his technique! You guys created a funny atmosphere as well
I am generally impressed at how a player of the caliber of Andy is willing to put himself under the microscope like this, effectively filming minute details about his technique in a live situation! In the same setting I would probably be unable to play a single note
To me it seems like he’s just as interested to find out what he’s doing as we are! It’s cool to see players like that who constantly want to learn and improve.