I feel like I’m on track with getting my escaped pickstrokes working well for me. For reference, I often do USX practice of a John Petrucci Chromatic Rock Discipline exercise. We’ve probably all seen/played it, but here’s the one I mean, just for clarity:
On good days I can loop this with 16ths at 180 - 185 bpm. I’d like to get this faster though and I’d also like to not waste time Being able to do a repetition or 2 at 200bpm has always been a personal goal of mine. Mostly because prior to CtC I was so far away it seemed like it would never happen. I’m pretty sure his advice to increase this a few bpm until I get to 200bpm is frowned upon here (and based on what I’ve noticed getting to where I am, seems like for a good reason lol).
I’m wondering if speed bursts would be a decent idea. I’m thinking of this from an athletic perspective and it seems like to get faster I need to practice moving my hands faster than they can already (comfortably) go. While I can’t play the whole exercise at 190bpm yet, I can do little chunks of it at that speed. Feels like I have control and sounds clean. Once that’s pretty good I planned on doing the same with 200 and 208, then maybe having a go at the whole thing at 190 -195. Rinse and repeat until I hit my goal.
I feel like this is a an ok approach, I just want some reassurance from the group if there could be other unintended consequences of this approach before I devote any time to it. If not, what have you all done to get your smooth/fast motions even faster? Maybe I haven’t read enough posts here but I don’t see this type of question addressed directly much. Typical advice is
- Find a fast smooth motion on one string
- Start added some left movement and make sure hand sync is good
- Move these patterns across the strings
I feel like I’ve got that and I’m ‘almost-normal-fast’ and would like to get ‘normal-fast’ and I just want to make sure I’m not wasting time. I’ve been wasting time for 25 years now lol! The past 6 months since joining up have been amazingly eye-opening and I’d like to just make sure my approach is legit moving forward.
Thanks in advance for any advice, friends!