I don’t see or hear any swiping in the first video above. I also see zero evidence of stringhopping. So the title of this thread doesn’t really square with your actual playing.
Also, just because you hear an open string doesn’t mean it’s swiping. It could just be a pickstroke that aims for the wrong string. Which would just be an accuracy error. You really won’t know unless you film it and look.
The key is here is to realize that your motions are working, and to become more conscious of the fact that you have two different picking styles.
If you want to work on the super fast stuff, that is elbow. Learning to slow that down a small amount but still use elbow, without switching to wrist mode, is how you can learn to clean that up. You want to assemble a basket of simple phrases that are DSX-compliant, and make sure they are perfect. Because DSX phrases can be perfect with your elbow motion. You do not want to just blaze on mixed-escape type phrases with your elbow motion and then just think, it sounds bad. That’s not really giving you a chance to be clean.
You can also try mixed escape phrases with the elbow technique, but that should be separate, and conscious. You will need to do trial and error to find some way to become conscious of the fact that that picking and fretting hands are doing different things, so that you can make it consistent. When we film very fast hyperpicking type elbow techniques, there is a lot of random variation because it’s hard for the player to know what is actually going on at those speeds. The players themselves aren’t really aware if they are or are not picking all the notes. Now that you have the knowledge, that is your power.
Finally, the wrist mode requires mixed escape phrases and a wide variety of them. If you just blaze on those and return to elbow mode, that won’t work. You need some way of learning by feel when you are using wrist mode and elbow, so you can ensure you are really using wrist mode when you play these types of lines. For you, wrist is the only one of your two modes where a traditional “one pickstroke for every note” approach will work on phrases with even and odd numbers of notes per string. Any noises you hear when doing this, do not automatically assume those are swiping. Instead, film and see. Then you will know what to do next.