Hi! Sorry for not seeing these posts earlier.
Everything looks fine here. First things first, have you watched the intro to picking motion, and attempted all the movements?
That’s the first step. Not that I think any of the clips you’ve posted looks wrong, per se. You just want to make sure you’re starting with whichever motion is working best for you right now. Do that by trying them all - including dwps and uwps movements. For simplicty you don’t even need synchronized fretted notes, just an index finger will do, and see which one is smoothest / fastest. And I do mean fastest, as in, give it your all and see what happens. Synchronization, cleanliness, etc. do not matter for this test, since you’re only playing one note anyway.
When you demo these movements, are you escaping where you’re supposed to escape? If not, then that’s not really the movement. It’s not enough to move the pick back and forth - it must actually be moving along a path that escapes at one end. As we’ve been discussing, if you’re using elbow, then it’s probably going to be a uwps path so just make sure that downstrokes are indeed escaping. If you choose a wrist movement, then you will create the diagonal pathway manually for dwps and uwps movements. In other words, the wrist can move 360 degrees so you will choose the diagonal by actually attempting picking along the appropriate escape - this will involve different blends of wrist movements.
Forearm is trickier, there are some hints in the broadcast. Give them a shot and don’t worry if you can’t do any of them just yet.
None of these movements is better or worse than the other, which is why you’re demoing them all. No particular pickslant is better or worse than another. Whichever movement works best, that’s the one you should look at a little further.
Since you already have a base of skill here, I would take whichever movement you think is working best and try a simple two-string pattern - something like this for dwps:
…or this for uwps:
Reason being, you want to make sure the escape is actually happening and you are able to get from one string to another without hitting anything.
So to recap, do the demo, determine which movement is working best using your max speed. Film and post a clip of that. And if you do, I’d like to see total max speed, not max cleanliness or max usable speed. If you attempt a two-string pattern, happy to take a look at that as well.
And finally, I would highly recommend not spending your all your time practicing exercises. Are there are musical phrases you’re interested in playing? Maybe ones you have written? Something that uses whichever technique you’ve decided to work on, and is not simply a repeating finger pattern. It doesn’t have to be something fast. It just needs to be something that makes use of the technique. This will get your mind thinking in musical terms which is important.
You can spend decades practicing exercises and I’ve seen many players among our viewers who have. Not a knock on them if that’s what they enjoy doing. But if you do that, you will end up with very little real-world soloing, songwriting, and improv type chops to show for it.
Good start here and good luck!